Thursday, June 8, 2023

I just found a new blog dealing with the reconstruction of the Tiberian reading tradition of the Hebrew Bible called In addition to some resources and discussions on the pronunciation tradition, they have several audio recordings in this reconstructed tradition.

Sunday, June 4, 2023

New Witnesses to Origen's Text of the Psalms

Felix Albrecht on the Göttingen Psalter Project's blog announces new identifications of catena manuscripts that attest to Origen's Septuagint text according to the Hexapla. Note well that this is the text (perhaps only lightly edited?) that Origen used for the LXX column in his Hexapla of the Psalms (Felix calls it the Origenic recension), not a heavily edited recension or thoroughgoing edition of the Psalms (which Felix calls a Hexaplaric recension). This new data is critical, since this Origenic text is not well preserved in the tradition but is often very close to the Old Greek. The new grouping suggested is: O = 1098(ο′)-1121-1209-Ga.

HT Ryan Sikes

Friday, June 2, 2023

Manufacturing Egyptian Scribal Palettes

Chip Hardy just showed me a fascinating lecture by James Terry for ARCE on how to make replicas of Egyptian scribal palettes. These kinds of palettes also seem to have been used by Israelite/Judahite scribes up until the Hellenistic period, when they changed to using split-nibbed reed pens with ink wells. For more info, see my article here.