The Smithsonian Magazine has an interesting scholar profile of Michael Langlois with lots of personal and professional details, for those who are interested.
This blog is intended to be an outlet for research and questions on the textual criticism of the Old Testament/Hebrew Bible and related issues.
Sunday, January 8, 2023
Solid Rock Hebrew Bible
Stephen Brown has published a freely available complete eclectic edition of the Hebrew Bible on GitHub. The edition is based on the Leningrad Codex, but incorporates changes suggested by Brown. It is not a scientific edition with collations, source citations, or textual commentary, but it is nice to see lay people interested in some of the more challenging questions of the field and dedicating time to the critical study of the scriptures.
MIKRA Interview
Tim Mahoney has published a two-part interview with Brian Rickett and me about the work of MIKRA Research Laboratory. In part 1 we discuss the work of MIKRA and our soon-to-be-released app. In part 2, we talk more generally about the work of Hebrew paleography and the history of the Bible. Hopefully this gives some insight into the kind of work we do for those who may be interested.