According to Science Daily, the new IntCal20 calibration curve for radiocarbon dating is now complete and will be published in Radiocarbon. I checked the OxCal website, and the new curve is already available.
HT Agade
This blog is intended to be an outlet for research and questions on the textual criticism of the Old Testament/Hebrew Bible and related issues.
According to Science Daily, the new IntCal20 calibration curve for radiocarbon dating is now complete and will be published in Radiocarbon. I checked the OxCal website, and the new curve is already available.
HT Agade
The video recordings of the New York University public conference "Dead Sea Scrolls in Recent Scholarship" (May 17-20, 2020) are now online here. Among many other interesting lectures, see especially the Groningen paleography lecture:
The Hands that Wrote the Bible. Digital Palaeography of the Dead Sea Scrolls for Identifying and Dating Manuscripts - Mladen Popović and Maruf Dhali, University of Groningen