Tuesday, December 13, 2016

LXX Scholar Interview: José Manuel Cañas Reíllo

Will Ross blogs with an interesting interview with José Manuel Cañas Reíllo, the editor of the Göttingen LXX edition of Judges. José gives an interesting window into the work of an editor and a sneak peak into the edition he anticipates to complete in 2020. Interestingly, he suggests it will be possible to produce a single main text of the book, rather than printing two parallel versions. Best of luck to José as he finishes the edition!

Saturday, December 10, 2016

Friday, December 9, 2016

New ZAW Articles

A new issue of ZAW (128, no. 4) is out including some articles of text-critical interest.

The Analysis of the Pentateuch
Kratz, Reinhard G.

Comparing Critical Editions: BHQ Proverbs and HBCE Proverbs
Hendel, Ronald

HT Agade